Thursday 25 December 2008

Tis the season...

Everyone has a Christmas memory that floats up with good feeling every year. For Missmarketcrash, that feeling has always been looking forward to doing a bit of charity. Bringing in canned goods, making crafts to sell, all the lovely smells of Christmas are consistently haunted by that smell of the elderly pee in the nursing home...

With all the charitable donations the U.S. government seems to be making - to the cars, to citibank, and, now, to GMAC and so on - the spirit of giving continues.

The Queen has just delivered her annual Christmas speech and seems to be on the same tangent as the American Government. Let's push Missmarketcrash's irony aside for a moment and remember...time, clothing, money, even good cheer -- whatever you've a bit extra of...donate a little for charity -the giving will bring you merriment.

1 comment:

jasper de babylon said...

jasper de babylon says:

i agree a little festive donation equals liquidity, which is an absolute neccesity for flotation.