Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The School Project

The school has sent home a one pound coin with the choice of 

a) keep it
b) give it back
c) use it to invest in materials to generate more money to contribute to a charity in Ghana.

Thankfully, or, not so thankfully, my son has elected to go with choice C.  Now what?  Sell lemonade?  Sell cookies?  Sell plant seedlings?  Sell some artwork? Make greeting cards? What could an 8 year old do?  What project would generate the most money, be innovative, and, loads of fun?  Should we sell to the public-at-large, or, should he just milk his parents for cash?

At the moment, the obvious winner would be to print up some facemasks with cool designs...but, my black humour is incredibly inappropriate for the age group.  The other answer is self-referential - he could start up a TED conference for children...but, alas, the he would be me and that is not right either... shall I guide him to think of his own project?  I think it is important the idea and the execution is genuinely his own...


Geek Vader said...

my 8yo son made little lego kits, put them in ziploc (clear plastic sealable) bags and sold them to his friends.

My 6yo daughter has been known to draw art on commission.

missmarketcrash said...

thanks geek -