Wednesday 19 November 2008

Things that ooze goodness....

A few weeks ago the posh mums descended upon Sainsbury's to buy half-price toys for the children.  I missed the scrum, but, wandered in a week or so later and bought up a bunch of things to have on hand for the endless birthday parties held in exotic locales, like cricket grounds, pirate ships, and theatres to name a few of the venues on offer this month.  My children's favorite parties thus far have been the one held under-a-tree-in-the-park-in-the-pouring-rain-with-fish-and-chips, and the other in a house where the mum was in charge of some nice old-fashioned games.  It is not really economics or themes or activities that dictate what my children like - I think it is the opportunity to freely play and express themselves rather than being bossed about by a clown.  But all children are different. And I myself would sooner hire a boatful of people in charge than take charge myself as children still often terrify me.  But off topic I stray again - get back in the car, we are going to Sainsbury's....

In a small section of the pink paper today it says that Lord Sainsbury is donating 82m for plant research to a lab at Cambridge.  120 Scientists and some plants collected by Darwin will be found in the new lab.   My toy purchases are now legitimized - almost every tangent radiating from the above sentence oozes goodness.  Gosh - the plastic they were all made from must be almost classified organic with that announcement!

Jokes aside, it is lovely to read of charity in the midst of this mess.  

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