Monday 24 November 2008

Opportunities ahead...

Ah...the Prime Minister's speech...I've always a weakness for a Scotsman - I married a man-of-the-kilt born not far from where Mr. Brown was born.  But - they could not be more different from one another.  Mr. Brown is really good at these fiscal things, whereas my husband does not really do much regarding fiscal things, save read the Economist.  So what did Mr. Brown say?  Lots of things about extraordinary measures and extraordinary times...and that creativity and entrepreneurship will help lead the U.K. into opportunities ahead in the new Global economy.  Creativity is certainly needed to understand the situation.  Does anyone understand yet the extent of the damage to the entire global financial system?  Thankfully not.  Let's keep it that way.  Let's sing and dance and top-of-the-pops our way out of it and entertain the world when the world could use some entertainment.

I've had a phrase stuck in my head for about a month now.  "The Silver Lining".  Indeed.  The impoverished town of Glasgow where Mr. Brown was born has always been a hive of creativity and is home to successful artists known worldwide - 

The Silver Lining could be just that.  More artists, writers, musicians and less bankers. But will that work?  I think we'll have to keep a few bankers along for the ride into the beautiful global future.  But could someone please tell America that they haven't given Citibank enough cash? Leading economists in the world see a massive amount of folly in the amount of aid offered. (See  Leading economists would probably suggest the bankers will need another handout in the of violins and guitars and other instruments to busk with in the tube and subway stations around the world...

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