Tuesday 26 May 2009

Alphabet Soup

L shaped vs U shaped vs V shaped vs W shaped.  The W is a relatively new phenomena....data from Google Trends, News Reference Volume.


Leigh Caldwell said...

My favourite is Stephanie Flanders' square root recovery. When I was a kid I would have loved to have square roots in my alphabet soup (that's the kind of child I was, I'm afraid)

missmarketcrash said...

thanks - good link..

.in all kindness, you are a square root alphabet soup type...

Leigh Caldwell said...

It gets worse. I remember when mathematicians ran out of Roman and Greek letters for their variables, and had to start on the Hebrew Aleph sign for their uncountable infinities.

I used to think that was as exotic as it would get, but Gillian Tett now thinks the recovery will be in the shape of the shorthand sign for 'bank'.