Saturday 25 July 2009

TED Global 2009

The TED Global 2009 conference has just ended.  You can visit a host of ideas that were on offer at the TED blog here.  If you are an expert in a particular field, the sessions most likely featured something you already are familiar with.  So...ho-hum...I know that might dash through your brain.  But TED wants to expand your boundaries and draw you outside of your field of expertise.  One ought to TED by jumping into learning about something unfamiliar.  TED encourages the cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas and boundary-breaking.  And, with this, you can draw insights from far-flung topics to relate to your own set of knowledge, and, expand your intellectual horizons in theory and practice.  Speaking of intellectual horizons, TED Global 2009 had a session on the creation of an artificial brain.  Read about it here on the BBC. 

Without a corporation footing your attendance bill, it is a tad too expensive to attend.  Alas, Missmc will remain an armchair TED.  Boundary-jumping is Missmc's passion.  A favorite past TED session is below.  I've not found any current 2009 Global TEDtalks posted on Youtube, but, I do hope they will appear in a bit of time...

In the meantime, I leave you with the crows...

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