Thursday 3 September 2009

Back to school

It is the first day of school for the little one who is entering first grade.  After the summer, the basic back-to-school conversation with parents is a quick kiss-kiss-lovely-to-see-you-how-was-your-summer-yes-it-rained-but-we-had-a-splendid-time-and-you-and-you-hows-your-fine-thanks-you-are-looking-well all conducted with big grins and suntanned faces.  Behind the facade, it is "I-might-be-late-let's-get-in-line-oh-my-oh-my-boy-is-going-to-the-big-school".  

And, to make it a bit more complex for our house, son number 1 is in tow.  Son number 1 used to go to the lovely prep until the credit crunch.  He is now waving goodbye to his lucky little brother who is dressed in his old uniform, going to his old school.  Big brother will be returning to his state school next week.  The plan was that he would stay home this morning with his father and have some quality time to spare him any misery as he longs longs longs to go back to the prep.  At the last minute, little brother refused to go unless big brother came along.  Mad scramble, big brother dressed, out the door, on the bike...and in all that, we forgot our bike helmets.  We made it anyway but had to suffer the disapproving looks from the uber-mum who noticed us en-route.  Eeesh.  And I had thought I was organized.  

After that, I ran into the Blonde.  I complimented her on her fine choice of jacket which happened to be mine from days of old that she had picked up in a charity sale.  From her reaction, it was clear that perhaps I should have not ID'd it.  Oops.

The saving grace of it all is that it is conker season.  Horse chestnuts are just starting to fall and provided good distraction on the way home for big brother.  And he will see all his old school friends tonight at tennis.  Thank goodness.

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