Thursday 24 September 2009

Capture it before it is gone...

Whilst the markets are gyrating after yesterday's Fed announcement, let's divert ourselves into something more pleasant.   My little son is in the midst of trying to master the art of writing with a pencil.  He is hopelessly distracted from the task, and more than a bit disinterested.  We've patiently avoided pushing him last year as the resistance level was high.  Alas, his first spelling test is on Friday and he is making an effort.  Up until this point, he has delegated his writing to his best friend in the class.  All my Mother's Day cards were written by T.  I do think my son will be perfect for an upper managerial position in the future.

The beginning attempts at letter formation have a real charm.  With that, I am embarking on preserving his sweet attempts with this nifty website.  Fontcapture will turn any of your scrawls into fonts you can use on any Mac or PC.  If you do not have access to a scanner, you can take a photograph in good light and turn it into a JPG file before uploading...

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