Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The Victorians

Missmarketcrash was treated to another-assembly-about-the-Victorians by her son's class at the state school. This is Victorian assembly number three for us -- son number one has attended three schools in London. Here is what I have learned about the Victorians.

At the private mostly-girls school we were informed that the Victorians worked very hard and had mean teachers who beat them. They studied hard by the light of kerosene lanterns and did fancy embroidery. The only employment suitable for females was teaching.

At the boys private school we were told that the Victorians were poor and dirty. Vermin ran rampant through the city and death and disease were common.

At the state school this morning the presentation highlighted that the Victorians marched to improve workers conditions. Victorians also won the rights to free education for children by protesting. Collective action was the predominant theme.

Amazing. Reminds me of childhood dinnertime conversations between my Conservative Libertarian father and my Hippie Democrat Mum.

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