Monday 2 March 2009


Missmarketcrash had a glimpse of the future turning when she was invited to an 80's revival party last spring. Today, as the spring fashion is laid before us, the 80's look is everywhere and bad fashion is in vogue. No. This moment is missed. The clothes were designed and ordered, and, the world fast-forwarded past the 80's moment, leaving these collections behind. The 80's revival look is already over before it has begun. Economics will do that.

Stone-washed and distressed jeans remain a no-no even though I do like a bit of irony. The "bad fashion" movement of curiously mis-matched better suits missmc who has been "shopping in the archives" of her own closet as of late. Accidental dressing, like mixing metaphors, is a breeze for missmc.

But, what else is on offer? A curious trend of nude colored things and sheer things. Perhaps the "emperor's new clothes" style is more appropriate for the moment. This trend is already established and firmly in place with Lady ga-ga who goes wandering about in her knickers. And hey, a bit of nudity or faux nudity could cheer us all up.

I for one will be sporting some rather large pink sunglasses. And yes, they will have rose-colored lenses. I've already been painting my fingernails nude, which makes them disappear in an elegantly perverse way. Yes. The "Emperor's New Clothes" trend is more aligned ideologically with the banking thing and is clearly the way to go this season. But with debate on government actions in the air, maybe I ought to get that Margaret Thatcher t-shirt out again to stir things up...

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